Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh, The Joys of Living in the Dorms

After all the horror stories I have heard about living in the dorms, it surprised me that they were a decent place to live.  But it is absolutely amazing how many germs and sicknesses just cultivate in those dorms.  I have never been one to be sick much, however, last semester kicked my butt.  I went through Swine Flu, Strep, four colds, and who knows what else in just a few months within my first semester.  So my biggest advice for any new students at any college living in the dorms: Airborne. And vitamins. 

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree. The dorms are just nasty!! Just wait until you get all those boys to live in a house together with no one to take out the trash or clean their dishes for them!
