Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome To The 90s

Our big Senior Function was last week and, of course, the theme was 90s grunge! Which just sounds fun, right? Well unfortunately, I really don't remember the 90s. I was nine when they ended, so I missed out on all the scrunchies, floral dresses, MC Hammer pants (which my aunt apparently owned). So it was off to the good old ARC, where of course I found a really sweet I ♥ MOM shirt along with overalls and some good ol' white tennis shoes. And you can't forget the very stylish scrunchies! And off it was with all the Pi Phi's.....


  1. So I didn't know it was a 90's GRUNGE party....that's totally different than teal MC Hammer pants!! But good call with the flannel. I'm pretty sure I wore just about the same thing (flannel and overalls. I LOVED my overalls!!)

  2. I didn't know there was a difference between 90s and 90s grunge. i thought it meant the same thing!
